Online trends come and go, but Instagram, the photo and video-sharing social network service which Facebook owns, and which was launched in October 2010, has stuck around and remains a key part of any brand’s social media arsenal.

The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to boost your visibility and improve the quality of your posts, however many followers you have.

  • Consistency

Make sure you post every few days, otherwise you could end up being forgotten about. It shouldn’t be hard, however, to get into the habit and routine of posting regularly.

  • Be nice!

Be genuine, warm and creative, and never appear desperate to attract more followers. Share images that are related to what you do and comment on them. Don’t be afraid to pay compliments when you’ve come across something you genuinely like.

  • Simplicity in editing

When it comes to editing, try and keep things simple. There are all manner of filters to choose from on Instagram, but sometimes these can seem a bit over the top. You can always try some editing apps from outside Instagram, including ones such as VSCOcam, Instasize, Over, Diptic and Pic Stitch.

  • Get out!

Think about outdoor locations near you where you can get out and about and shoot some great pictures that will showcase your products or services.

  • Be social

The clue’s in the name – social media! Reply to comments and thank people for them, repost customers’ photos, run contests and generally engage as much as you can.

  • Track statistics

A site like Statigram will be able to track your statistics and show you information such as which are your highest-performing posts, and which of your followers are most active.

As you can imagine, it’s really about being focused yet flexible. Keep doing those things which you know work well, but move on quickly (and learn from) anything which isn’t working.