The thing about blogs is that they need to be regularly updated to remain relevant to readers and search engine rankings. Finding fresh ideas for new content can seem a challenge, so, if you’re struggling, here are a few things to try out:

  • Conference schedules or agendas

When there are important industry conferences or similar events happening in your sector, mine the agendas for these to source topics for your blog. Even if you don’t attend in person, you can find details online.

  • Develop a theme from a list post

Have any of your previous posts taken a list format? If so, they are probably highly popular with your audience. Why not choose one to explore in more detail as a standalone blog post?

  • Use people’s questions

If anyone – client, contact, blog reader – has ever asked you a question, the chances are they’ve hit on something someone else would like to know. Develop thought-provoking responses that will really answer the question and make interesting posts. Then next time someone asks the same thing, you can simply supply the link.

  • Industry forums

Mine these for content by looking once again for the questions people are asking, and make these into interesting posts. Other great industry-specific sources include niche magazines and relevant infographics.

  • Be a comments snoop

Look through the comments on your own posts, and others in your industry, carefully. Many of these may spark a thought, ask a question or raise a point that would benefit from elaboration. The same goes for Facebook, another goldmine for ideas in your industry.

  • Ask the readers

Ask subscribers what they want from your blog or newsletter as soon as you sign them up. Getting good feedback on this is one of the easiest, cheapest and quickest ways to produce quality, targeted content – and certainly a lot more effective than guesswork!

These should give you some great starting points. Remember, however, that we can take on your blog and its content generation for you, leaving you to focus on your business.